Using your Personal Mobile

All of our services can be used directly from your mobile phone wherever you are (even abroad). If you have a mobile phone you can access our services by sending and receiving SMS or from wap. Via SMS you can request a service, or activate a subscription to receive the information as they are published.


For Requests:
Go to "create messages" in your phone menu.
Type the appropriate keyword of the service you require followed by the appropriate 2nd / 3rd word of the service you are interested in, leaving a space between each word and press SEND.
Enter the appropriate number to which the message for the specific service should be sent and press send again. (e.g. for the service cybee score the number is 1000)

For subscriptions:
To activate a subscription alert, just add the word ON at the beginning of the keyword. Alternatively, add the OFF word at the beginning of the keyword to deactivate a subscription.

For all cases one or more SMS text messages will arrive at your mobile phone with your answer.
Each cybee service has been assigned a keyword.
You need the keyword to order the service from your mobile phone. Have a look at our service keyword table

Via wap

Visit our WAP site address To access our WAP services you do not need any specific instructions. Just visit cybee registered members can check their cybee wap mail, and read their new emails in exactly the same way as they do from the web. The services available on WAP are organised in the same manner as on our web page.

Note: To be able to use our WAP services you have to set up your WAP phone first (if it's not already set).